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Community Language Learning Method

Hi there! Welcome back to my blog! 

In this entry, we are going to review the Community Language  Learning Method. If I were to define this method in three words, I´d say: together, speaking, and flow. This method is based on the idea that students learn with and from other peers, that´s why they need each other in the process. This method doesn´t require lesson planning which allows the session to flow and gives the students and teacher the chance to integrate interesting topics, however, there's the risk of not handling time well.

Since talking is essential, it is better to use this method with advanced-level learners. Something that caught my attention and I think works pretty well is the use of authentic material, such as podcasts, movies, maybe some speeches, or music because I think that is the best approach to real-life speaking and that is what sometimes students lack. When we are too accustomed to workbooks and only workbooks we don't have a close idea of real English. So, that is to my mind, one of the coolest things about this method. :D

In class, I had a great talking time session, teacher Orlando told us to make a list of topics we had in common, then we picked up one topic, we chose The Zodiac,馃槅 and recorded ourselves for a minute (which was not enough haha.) this activity supports the idea of letting the class "flow", then we analyzed our recording. We refreshed some vocabulary like the pronunciation of Gemini, and what´s your sign?, we came up with new vocabulary like "the zodiac, Pisces, and act like your sign", finally, we shared knowledge with everyone in the class.

Last but not least, this method supports the belief of "my community backs me up", and that learning occurs in a non-threatening environment. 

I attach our recording for you to listen to our conversation!

Thanks for reading! stay tuned for upcoming entries! :D

Click on the link to listen to our chat: Community Language Learning


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