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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2023


 Hi everyone!! This past September the 7th we received our feedback. We didn’t have a class as such, but it was very important to get our feedback on our las tradition (the demo class we performed) you can read my last blog as well :). So, teacher Orlando gathered us team by team, and he told us what we had done very well and what we could improve. Ir esa bofe yo hear from téchese Orlando that we did goos overall land that he had liked our energy very much. We faced some challenges like being rushed by the people outside the classroom and some setbacks, but we could manage to go for a plan B.  This is teacher Orlando explaining to us what we have to do for our next evaluation! 

Lesson plans

Hello everyone! It’s nice having you back!  We learned how to craft our lesson plans, teacher Orlando shared some very useful tips that I will share with you in a moment. First of all we all agreed that PPT is used for grammar and vocabulary classes, whereas PDP is used for listening and reading classes.  PPT envolver  Warm up:  We reviewed some aspects like the important things to keep in mind while warming up. It shout be short, we can start with question time. In the PRODUCTION: We use the language, students produce and follow structures. Up to this point we should be CCQing our students. Besides, As teachers, should make sure we use the pair-share-technique in which students first work on their own, then they should work in pairs and last but no least, the class share answers as a whole. The production can or should be in an oral way or written way.  Teacher Orlando also said that we shouldn’t forget to add controlled and free practices. And controlled shoul...