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The Audiolingual Method

Hello! It´s nice to see you around. Today I want to share with you the third method we´ve studied so far, The Audiolingual Method. This method dates back to the WWII period when the armies needed to become orally proficient in the languages of their allies and enemies as quick as possible. To do so, soldiers would orally teach phrases to other soldiers and they would hear and repeat them over and over again until finally got it right. 
 This method emphasizes listening and speaking skills through dialogs and different drills, consequently writing and reading might not be students´ strongest skills. Besides, the audiolingual method discourages the use of the mother tongue in the classroom, and error correction is required in this case.

Some of the techniques used in this method are:

  • Repetition drill: to teach the lines of a dialogue.
  • Substitution drill: to change the cue.
  • Question-and-answer drill: changing sentences from affirmative into negative or interrogative form.
Last but not least, this method relies on memory and is quite good to learn vocabulary through drills, you can have fun with the different drills, and teaches grammar in context, but context is limited to what the teacher brings into the classroom.
