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Multiple Intelligences PPTS round 1-2

 Hi everyone! It´s nice to have you back!

Today, I couldn´t attend our English Didactics Class because I was interpreting for Joni and Friends,  as part of my social work! , it's been a great experience so far and I have learned a lot!

However, I regret a lot not being in the classroom because I know the activities, presentations, and explanations are enriching, so I had some highlights from the class so that not everything is lost.  I did a little research on the Intelligences myself, plus Daniela explain to us what you guys had in the classroom! 😊

1. Spatial Intelligence: is the skill to see with your mind and to mentally arrange objects in spaces. this was my group´s presentation on Thursday, I explained benefits such as being capable of doing many everyday activities, using a map, arranging stuff in your trunk, taking good pictures, merging into high-speed traffic, and many more.  we also explained some activities that can be used in the classroom to promote this intelligence, like building games, the use of blocks, and even video games. We also had an activity, called tanagrams which is a kind of puzzle that you have to complete, we had 4 groups in the front and we had a winner!

This are the so called tanagrams

This is our group, ready to present!😎

2. Logical mathematic: This is the ability to understand numbers, reasoning, and comprehension of how something works.

people with logical intelligence base on facts instead of emotions and some suggested professions are accountant, auditor, computer programmer, and financial analyst.

Some activities to develop it are puzzles, board games, coding, solving tricky situations, among others.

3. Bodily-kinesthetic: people with this intelligence work with their hands, enjoy drawing, learn through tactile senses, prefer direct contact with the material rather than readings, like physical play, dance working out, and sports.

Some interesting activities for this are: story telling through mimic, building things, sculpture, legos, and hand-eye coordination.

4. Linguistic Intelligence: this intelligence includes abilities to learn languages, and being proficient in spoken/written language, poets and teachers are linguistically intelligent because they posess expansive vocabulary, enjoy reading and understand grammar pretty well.

The benefit of developing this is that it strengthens your communication skills as you are also enriching your vocabulary. Some suggested activities are reading, debates, crossword games, and listening/recording podcasts.

5. Musical Intelligence: people with musical intelligence are able to express themselves through music, they capture and recognize sounds, rhythms, and melodies.
Some activity ideas are words and memory, drawing the music, singing along while using lyrics, and guessing the song.

This is a picture of us (Miriam and me) at the chair distribution!

Thank you for reading, hope to see you around!💫😊


  1. Thank you for keeping the blog updated. I'm sure both Miriam and you had a great time with Joni and Friends!


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