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Multiple Intelligences

Hello there! I´m glad to have you back!

Welcome to this week´s entry, we are exploring new grounds this week! Yesterday we started to inquire about Multiple Intelligences. I am the type of person who is always excited about these types of topics. I love everything that has to do with types of personalities, psychological facts, and even trivia like what type of Disney princess are you? That I take just for fun.

I love this topic because it reminds us that there is a wide variety of intelligence types, and I am glad that all of them are being considered and that intelligence is not a black-or-white thing anymore. Just as expressed in the readings, Gardner says: “We´re all intelligent in many different ways, multiple Intelligences are not static, you can develop them and expand them.”

Something I liked from reading and the way I got it is this: different needs, different skills. That makes all sense, because for instance, for some settlers, spatial intelligence was crucial to navigate guiding themselves only by the stars, they were considered intelligent; while for other cultures like occidental culture, numbers and letters were a must to be considered brilliant.  So, once again different needs, different skills.

Let´s dig a little into the topic!

1.   Linguistic Intelligence: people with linguistic intelligence, are good at using language in the written and spoken way. Students with this kind of intelligence will find oral presentations and essays a piece of cake. Word puzzles, storytelling, and tong twisters are nice activities for this intelligence.

      2.       Mathematic Intelligence: this includes the use of numbers, problem-solving, use of symbols, patterns, and sequences. It is extremely important to perform experiments and the technology field. Some activities teachers can use are Venn diagrams, gap-filling, and patterns.

      3.       Spatial Intelligence: is the capacity to think in images to visualize the environment accurately and precisely. People with this intelligence can easily understand maps, they have good 3D comprehension and a good sense of direction, and fine perception. I have an anecdote for this, it seems like I have strong traits of this intelligence, and I was not conscious but in hindsight, it seems like I tended to do a lot of these activities with my 9-year-old ex-students. I used to use flashcards a lot, I would promote art, drawing, design of menus, and birthday invitations and find the differences.  

      4.       Kinesthetic Intelligence: they are good with their body movement they auto-express with it and they have good coordination. Dancers, choreographers, actors, and athletes have this type of intelligence. They would especially enjoy or perform well at roleplays, mime games, and touching games.

      5.       Musical Intelligence: the ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, sounds, pitch, etc. They are sensitive to sound stimuli.  Singing reading with rhythm and stamping to learn is their cup of tea.

      6. Naturalist Intelligence: students with naturalist intelligence feel empathy for the environment and they’re good at organizing, separating, and classifying things. Some activities to stimulate naturalist intelligence are differences versus similitudes, activities engaging plants and animals, and organizing activities.

      7.  Intrapersonal Intelligence: These are self-conscious people, they have a deep understanding of their feelings, thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses. Some activities in the classroom related to this intelligence are reflecting on their own thoughts, allowing time to think about likes and dislikes, and journaling.

     8.  Interpersonal Intelligence: the most outstanding traits of this intelligence are teamwork capacity, the ability to communicate effectively with others. They have acute body language perception and can see from other perspectives, they are empathic people. Some activities to promote thius are debates, discussions, "find someone who" game, and group games.

     9. Existential Intelligence: this is a new type of intelligence that has recently been considered as such, it is all about deep thinking. People with existential intelligence are sensitive to deep questions, they often try to understand the meaning of life, why did we get here, and the purpose of things and situations. Philosophers, scientists and theologists share this type of intelligence.

    This is my Multiple Intelligence Wheel, I kind of expected to have high punctuation in linguistic intelligence, I was also very conscious that numbers are not one of my strengths, but I had never wondered about the rest of my intelligencies, I was surprised but they make sense and match my personality and interests, it was pretty interesting to do this exercise.

 I hope you had a good riding my entry, I´m sorry that I expanded a bit, I like these kinds of topics haha.

      Have a nice one!  Bye, for now, hope to see you around soon!



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