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Learning Styles

Hello everyone! Long time no see! I hope you had a great vacation time and that you rested as much as I did! 馃槅馃槄

Today I´m going to describe a very interesting topic, that is  Learning Styles!
We all have different learning styles, which means that we all learn in different ways, or better said we prefer to do it in different ways. Whenever we have to internalize something, we have our own "strategies" to make it happen.

Visual Learners: they see information as pictures, diagrams videos, and demonstrations. When listening, they picture things in their minds and can easily get distracted in lectures with no visual aids. For these learners, it is good to have charts, maps, notes, and flashcards. I consider myself a visual learner, and I can tell that whenever I´m taking notes I always do any small drawing representing concepts, in that way I will remember in tests or when presenting to the class. I give meaning to my drawings.

Auditory Learners: They prefer spoken info, rather than reading or graphically representing something, they absorb lectures with little effort, and they might not even need to take notes, just by listening they learn. They can play background music to stimulate learning and avoid eye contact to concentrate. They love podcasts and reading out loud to themselves.

Kinesthetic Learners: They move to learn, they need to actually do, and touch. They need vivid examples to create connections in their learning process, and they enjoy roleplays as a way to remember important ideas.

Read and Write Learners: read and write learners are all about doing lists, they dont have any hard time when it comes to info displayed in words or remembering glossaries, readings, and words, and words, and words...

We had a presentation in class involving all of the leearning styles, we talked about a topic, we chose it, we read and wrote on a poster(which was visual ) and our classmates listened to our presentation (which was auditory learning, of course.) We learned while doing, touching, coloring, cutting some paper etc. The topic we chose was "Parts of a home". I think it’s very easy to illustrate this topic with flashcards, there is new vocabulary, for the students to read and write, they can listen to drills and they can actually do a mock-up of their houses. So, it was perfect!

This is us while working on our PPT! 馃憣馃槑

Ready to present!!!

Later in our class, we took some tests, it seems like I´m actually a vissual learner more than an auditory (in which   I  seem to be,  30%) and less of a kinesthetic learner. I knew that I liked to learn in a visual way, I am always  drawing to represent info; yet, I was surprised with the results!

Then, in Kolb´s learning styles test, I appear to be  convergent and accommodator, mostly, there was a tie in both!

Here´s a picture of the results! A very balanced learner, uh!? 馃槈

Last but not least, what I understood is that, although Multiple Inteligencies and Learning styles can sometimes be referred to as the same thing, that is not true at all.

Multiple Intelligencies are the big umbrella, they focus on human potential, we are better at certain things, or areas simply because we are skillful, or we have had more training on that field; while learning styles are preferences of learning. Like punctual methods to learn I would say.


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