After that, teachers refreshed the previous topic about daily routine. They quickly presented the vocabulary. Then Abi, gave SS a spreadsheet and played a video in which speakers would narrate their daily routines.
Right after that, Abi checked the answers along with students, they would answer “true” or “false” for every statement.
Then they moved to practice time lead by Rodrigo.
Students had a conversation and answered the question “what do you usually do on your birthday/on Christmas?” For which they had to use the vocabulary they already knew, like “on my birthday, I usually wake up late, I eat cake, I go to bed…” and then socialized in the classroom, and students reported what their classmate said using the third person.
For the second practice, Josh had students stand up and instructed them to make a line. The first one in the line would say an activity and then the second one would say their partner’s activity plus, one of his or her own, and so on, trying to keep a chain.
Group 2
Group number two was in charge of teaching routings through reading 📚. I had the nice experience of being part of their class as a student so I could have a close look into their activities.
For the warm up activity, they had us playing papa caliente and it is always fun get the feeling of anxiety every time you have the potato and the music stops.
Besides, Jessica presented the structure of the past simple tense. They also presented some vocabulary like to wake up, take a shower, get up, etc. The teacher would say all these activities and students would repeat. After that, teachers displayed some sentences for us to read them and practice our pronunciation more. Iveth explained that we add times to be more specific when talking about routines.
Later, we watched a video with some routines. An then it was reading time! They gave us some spreadsheets with 3 or 4 different formats of questions and the reading. We read it all together and then circled the right answers, then we did think-pair shared and finally shared with the entire class. They priced us with some candies when we answered correctly.
Another activity they did was to ask us write down our own daily routines, we did so and then folded the sheets and raffled routines. We picked another classmate's routine and read it out loud.
Thank you guys for reading, bye-bye! 👋🏻
Nathaly, thank you for participating as a student in your classmates' lesson. It seems that your experience in such role was nice. Thanks for keeping your blog updated!