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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2023

Groups 7 and 8

Hello everyone! This is Incredibly the last entry to my blog  of English Didactics II, it has been an amazing journey in which we all learned a lot. Follow me to find out what last class was all about. Unfortunately,I couldn't attend our last class because I had the   be one of the MU interpreters for a couple of days! However, I was very entertained reading and seeing the pictures in my classmates' posts. I really liked Maru's entry so, I will recall some of her thoughts on the class. The first group was Diana's. They reviewed some things from the previous class and played a game called Hangman. They also presented some keywords like "a quater to____" to say the time, which is great because they hadn't learned those until then. This group made some activities with there is and there are, and finally they had a controlled activity to practice with writing exercises. After that, they made students come to the board to stick some images completeing a vo...

Groups 5 and 6

Hello everyone! Welcome to another post!  Group 5: Last Thursday it was my groups turn to present. We arrived early and at first we just had an student so I worried a bit but then more students joined. My group's topic was the time, so we made sure that we explained it trough different engaging activities. Our class turned out to be a very dynamic one and I could really tell students enjoyed it and learned something new, even if they had a clue about the topic already. Our class started with the warm up, Miriam lead the activity which was called " the human knot" and it made students awake, i think they had fun and got ready to engage in our class. After that, Fernando explained the topic, he started by gelling students that we use numbers so they quickly reviewed it as they were getting more into the topic, he did it with a great energy and he even took advantage of the a magic moment to introduce a new word. Then dani took a "magic basket" and the ones getting...