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Groups 7 and 8

Hello everyone! This is Incredibly the last entry to my blog  of English Didactics II, it has been an amazing journey in which we all learned a lot.

Follow me to find out what last class was all about. Unfortunately,I couldn't attend our last class because I had the   be one of the MU interpreters for a couple of days!

However, I was very entertained reading and seeing the pictures in my classmates' posts. I really liked Maru's entry so, I will recall some of her thoughts on the class.

The first group was Diana's. They reviewed some things from the previous class and played a game called Hangman.

They also presented some keywords like "a quater to____" to say the time, which is great because they hadn't learned those until then.

This group made some activities with there is and there are, and finally they had a controlled activity to practice with writing exercises.

After that, they made students come to the board to stick some images completeing a vocabulary activity. They had Group 1 vs Group 2. Students are always very into this type of activities! 馃憣

In break time, teacher Orlando had a very nice gesture with the class, he brought some cookies and coffee! And for the ones who couldn't attend that they he brought the cookies on Friday when we were in French class, it was really nice from him. 馃ス馃挮

We asked him for a picture on Friday and here it is! You teacher are awesome!! 

Then, it was Eli's group tourn to present their topic. Maru said in here blog that they were very creative and I don't have a doubt. They took different materials, realia and props to make their class attractive.

Eli had borrowed a very cute clock that said an hour aloud and students had to set the needles to show the time. 

Then, Carla taught them some useful vocabulary like "timeless", "time flies", "in a jiffy", etc.

After that, they had a reading activity, and finally, they did a wrap up activity in which they had to pick it an object from a basket and then say what they learned.

I just want to thank you very much teacher, for always being  passionate and committed, you make it look easy but I know  it is not, there is a lot more going on behind the hora clase so I appreciate every single advice you gave us, it was definitely more than just theory.

I also want to thank my classmates and tell them that I am proud too because we all gave our very best and learned in the process. 

Thanks for reading! See you around! 


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